Dear Iron Man Diary: Slaughterhouse

First things first, I took care of Winna’s cat. It was a beautiful cat that sadly got corrupted. It was heartbreaking to see what had become of her.

Then it was onto taking care of the source of the problem; Winna Hazzard. She was way into the slime. However, Kelnir wanted to give her one more chance. One more chance to feel … something.  She wanted me to show her the eartag. It was a noble suggestion, but to no avail. While at it I put the remaining friends of Altsoba out their misery. I showed mercy. I should add that they looked like a sad bunch. The beautiful Tauren all green with slime covering their heads and face.

Now that I helped out Kelnir I was granted a token to show Tender Puregrove over at Whisperwind Grove. I have stayed there before this but felt some looked over their shoulder while around me. Now I had the token and showed i come in peace. A confirmation like this is very nice to have. I’m sure they feel safer now.

I have already slaughtered so many animals during my days here. However, Tender Puregrove thought otherwise. It’s almost as if this is part of showing I can handle my own. A nice task she had for me was to try save some critters. I truly appreciate that not all go straight for the kill. I was set to scrub a handful of squirrels. I love doing this and much prefer it to killing them. They seemed to understand I was there to help and showed appreciation for me helping them.

I was tipped off that Elessa Starbreeze and Hurak Wildhorn also needed some help.

Elessa work with a group fighting to weaken the demonic corruption and wanted me to help take some samples. The reason was to see if the demonic corruption weakens over time. Simply put, confirm their solution is working. Another important part of the job is to clean up all the rubble from the infernals. It’s the same monsters that many Warlocks have following them around. I was asked to always clean up after myself so the fel won’t seep into the ground and further corrupt this, once, beautiful land.

Hurak have a group that hunt these infernals. To show my worth, he said he appreciate if i help their cause. Kroshius is one that have grown very powerful. I guess he is a leader. Kroshius seem to grow more and more powerful as the cycle continue. The cycle is that some are able to kill it, evil Warlocks come in and reanimate it, which increase his power. Reason for them to do this is unknown. What is known is that the cycle must stop. They learned that if the core is taken and kept safe, Kroshius can not be reanimated. I was happy to help of course.

As I stood infront of Kroshius it hit me how my life was in balance. I was truly about to take on what may be the scariest enemy in my lifetime. The corrupted undead looking beasts is scary. This, however, is on a whole other level. There is no doubt Trampe saved me. He walked through fire and took some heavy hits for me. This is the reason many of us hunters look at our companion as family and go far to help when they need us.

As I wrapped up the tasks I decided to clean up the squirrels. With all the death and decay, let’s end on a positive note. I often say critters and other big animas/beasts understand more than many think. They have a high intelligence and feel pain and love as we do. The squirrels I helped confirmed that. Not everyone was possible to save, but those I were able to save showed how greatly my effort was, and probably still is, appreciated. It brought tears to my eyes. I talked to Tender about this and she nodded and say she feel the same. The small victories, as she said.

Before moving to my sleeping quarter I stopped by Elessa and Hurak.

Thankfully the forest is healing. Slow and steady, which is as much as we can ask for. It looks almost dead to me. She said it’s important to keep faith and the result confirm she is right. I will also remember to clean up after I kill. It will help avoid stalling the healing, since the remains leech into the ground and further poisons the forest. Hurak took time to say he fears enjoying the hunt and kill too much. Maybe that is why he asked for my help. I can understand that he fears enjoy hunting the enemy, and I hope he trust himself to not lose control.

I did a week’s worth of work today. I’m sure about it. My body feels like it has been chewed up and spit out. As I went for the bed, Tender pleaded to have one more task checked off. I helped check on some lashers. Even plants are not safe and she assured me that this is the last quest for today. I barely remember doing the deed. I have fallen asleep a handful of times now so it’s time to finish this.

Now onto dreamland. I also want to note that not many pictures today. It was so busy I forgot to document.

Sleep tight. Good night.

This is one of the squirrels I helped save. So darn cute

This is Kroshius. A enormous monster I feel so good about taking out. 

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